Select Sage 100 Enhancement
Enhance your Sage 100 to work the way you want
The Paperless HTML Email enhancement was created to allow Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code to be entered, as well as plain text, in the body of the Electronic Delivery. By allowing HTML to be entered in the body, the email being sent can have logo’s, tables, and other formatting that coordinates with the company's existing brand.
ModuleCode=P/L; EnhancementCode=PL001HTML; EnhancementLevel=1.0; ReleaseDate=20200908; MinCompatibilityLevel=5.0; ImplementationCompatibility=B; VersionCompatibility=7; DependencyKey=; UninstallProgram=; LegacyEnhancementCode=CS100P-HTML;
This is an advanced version of the Paperless HTML Email enhancement. This will allow linking to a file that will be merged into the email body. This allows it to overcome the 4095 character limitation that is the default size in Sage 100.
ModuleCode=P/L; EnhancementCode=PL004EMADV; EnhancementLevel=1.0; ReleaseDate=20200908; MinCompatibilityLevel=5.0; ImplementationCompatibility=B; VersionCompatibility=7; DependencyKey=; UninstallProgram=; LegacyEnhancementCode=CS100P-HTMLADV;
The Paperless Merge Fields enhancement was created to extend the fields that can be merged into the electronic delivery messages used by Paperless Office. This enhancement opens all the data entry fields of the primary table that is referenced for the electronic delivery.
ModuleCode=P/L; EnhancementCode=PL002MERGE; EnhancementLevel=1.0; ReleaseDate=20200908; MinCompatibilityLevel=5.0; ImplementationCompatibility=B; VersionCompatibility=7; DependencyKey=; UninstallProgram=; LegacyEnhancementCode=CS100P-MERGE;
The Paperless Attachments enhancement was created to allow attachments to the emails sent by email through paperless office.
ModuleCode=P/L; EnhancementCode=PL003ATTCH; EnhancementLevel=1.0; ReleaseDate=20200908; MinCompatibilityLevel=5.0; ImplementationCompatibility=B; VersionCompatibility=7; DependencyKey=; UninstallProgram=; LegacyEnhancementCode=CS100P-ATTACH;